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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Summer Term in Year One! 

We have an amazing term planned for the children and are so excited about the year ahead.

We have a lovely team of adults to help and support your child in Year 1. They are as follows:

1BG - Mrs Gibbins/Mrs Bennett and Mrs Kaur

1WB- Miss Wilson/Mrs Barsby and Mrs Jenkins

1JR- Miss Robinson and Mrs Sammons




Our curriculum this term: 


We will have daily writing lessons which will focus on an engaging book over a short period of time. By the end of Year 1, the children will have been exposed to a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. 


We will have two daily Phonics lessons, as well as 5 weekly Reading sessions.

Your child will read with an adult in a small group focusing on decoding, fluency and comprehension.


In Maths, we are working on:

- Multiplication and division



-Place value to 100.




We will be looking at seasonal changes and plants. 


During the first half-term we will be exploring dance and practising for May Day. We will then move onto Athletics ready for Sports day!


We will be looking at sculpture.  


We will be exploring food smoothies and moving mechanisms.


We will be learning about pitch and tempo. 

Vocal and body sounds. 


What is it like to live in Shanghai?


How have toys changed?  



Economic well-being. 


We will be looking at Judaism and books that are special to us.

ComputingDuring the Summer Term, Year 1 will continue to visit and use the computer room with Miss Cope. We will continue to focus on logging on, mouse control and basic program skills.




Important information...

Drop off and pick up times

Children can arrive between 8.35am and 8.45am. 

 Year 1 pupils must be picked up at 3.10pm. Parents should wait outside the classrooms.


Your child should wear their school uniform for four days each week and their PE kit for one day. They can wear their PE kit all day on their PE day. Please ensure your child always brings a warm coat to school and wears suitable school shoes. PE days are as follows:

1BG- Tuesday (Pupils in 1GB wear PE kit)

1WB - Monday (Pupils in 1WB wear PE kit)

1JR - Friday (Pupils in 1JR wear PE kit)

PE kit

Please ensure your child wears a warm PE kit such as joggers, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt and a pair of trainers as we will be doing PE outdoors. Please try to keep these plain and in dark colours such as black or navy.

Water bottles

Your child has been given an orange water bottle. This should be taken home, washed and returned to school with fresh water in it.

Bags and lunch boxes

Your child just needs to bring their book bag to school. This should have their reading book, reading record and any other home learning in it every day. They can bring a lunch box if they are not having a school dinner. You can send a spare set of clothes which we can keep in school if needed. 

Home learning reminders

Home learning is set on a Friday and is due back on a Thursday.

Reading practice and sharing books will be changed on a Wednesday.

Please encourage your child to reread their reading book throughout the week to develop fluency and comprehension. 

Reading books should be kept in your child’s book bag and brought to school every day.

Spelling checks are completed on a Friday and new spellings will be set every Friday.

The children will keep their logins and passwords for online resources throughout their time at Southfields, so the children should have these already. However, if you need these again, please ask your child's class teacher who can help.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo, Miss Wilson and Mrs Barsby (Year 1 leaders).

We look forward to working with you and your children throughout the year. Thank you!

The Year 1 Team

  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
  • Logo
  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan