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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Middle School ​​


Welcome to Middle School.

Throughout a child's educational journey at primary school, there are many changes.  It begins with starting school and being the youngest all the way through to being the eldest in school in Year 6.  Halfway through that journey is another big change, the one going from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, and that is where we are - in the middle. It is the beginning of earning more responsibilities and working in a more independent way; starting to develop into more mature learners.  

The Middle School team is here to help your child with that transition in the most supportive way possible.  For some this can be a daunting experience, learning new routines, expectations changing - and that's not just the children! But through constant encouragement, gentle motivation, and positive attitudes this will be another exciting step on the journey.   We continue to represent Southfield's ethos of being kind and working together as a team, whilst also providing the children with exciting learning opportunities and engaging lessons which will help encourage them to become forward thinkers, problem-solvers, resilient learners, and constructive citizens. 

Within Middle school, the staff are as follows:​​​​​​

Mrs Arnold leads the Year 3 team:


  Mr Allsebrook leads the Year 4 team: 



With many of us at Southfields Primary being working parents, we fully appreciate the pressures of modern-day living and in particular the need to communicate at short notice.  Whilst we will always have a member of the Year 3 & 4 team available to speak to and pass messages on to in the morning, we urge all parents to ensure they are set up with Class Dojo.  We find that this is the most effective form of communication between parents and teachers alike. If you are unsure of how to set this up or use the app, please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s class teacher who will be more than happy to help.

  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
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  • Oracy School
  • Elklan