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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School


Teaching and Learning Leads

Interim Headteacher - Mrs Urciuoli

Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Hilton

EYFS Lead - Mrs Barsby / Miss Wilson

Year 1 Lead - Mrs Westley / Mrs Gibbins

Year 2 Lead - Mrs Welsh

Year 3 Lead - Mrs Arnold

Year 4 Lead - Mr Allsebrook

Year 5 Lead - Ms Payne / Miss Harris

Year 6 Lead - Mr Allsebrook


Inclusion Lead - Mrs Hilton

EHA Lead - Mr Brierley

Mrs Nespoli

Miss Payne 

Speech, Language and Communication

Hub of Excellence

Lead - Mrs Tate

Manager - Mrs Magee 

Miss Mae

Miss Payne

SEMH Team/Nurture

Miss Mae

Mrs Wotton

Service Children Miss Payne 



Miss Payne

Mrs C Hilton

Pupil Premium 
Catch Up Planning
Miss Payne
Staff Governors

 Mrs Westley

Mrs Isnovoiu

Health and Safety

Mrs L Arnold

Mr Walker

Mrs Westley


English Lead - Mrs Welsh

Whole School Reading - Mrs Arnold

Whole School Oracy - Mrs Arnold

Phonics - Miss Wilson and Mrs Clarke


 Mrs Marsden - Maternity

Mr Allsebrook - Interim Lead

Miss Harlow

Miss Macgregor


Mrs Gibbins

Mrs Westley


Mr Allsebrook


School Radio

Miss Cope



Miss Harris

Miss Martin 


Mrs Ward

Mrs Thomas

RE/Collective Worship / PSHE / P4C /
Mental Health & Wellbeing / Sex Education

Miss Parsonage
Miss Harlow

PE & Sports

Mrs Smith

Mrs Mills

Arts & Music

Mr Kazimerow

Miss Macgregor

Mrs Arnold

Mrs Radwell


Dr Tether

Modern Foreign Languages Mrs Mills

Mrs Urciuoli

Attendance Mrs Dale
Children's University Mrs Isnovoiu
Clubs / trips and visits /
Extended School / Enrichment
Miss Tangl

Mrs Hilton

Mrs Urciuoli

First Aid Mrs Arnold
Forest Schools/Eco/Sustainability Mrs Bennett 
Mrs Brewer
Healthy Schools

Mrs Smith

Mrs Bennett

Mrs Mills

More Able Mrs Welsh
School Council

Mrs Urciuoli

Interfaith Council - Miss Parsonage 

SCITT/ECT Mrs Steward
Staff Wellbeing Mrs Hilton

EYFS - Miss Wilson/Mrs Barsby

Year 6 - Mr Allsebrook

Trips, Visits and Visitors Miss Tangl 
Nursery Training & Support (External)

Mrs Hilton

Miss Payne

Mrs Tate

School Website

Mrs Hilton

Mrs Urciuoli

Miss Cope

Outdoor Environment Miss Hayward
Continual Provision linked to SEND

Miss Payne

Mrs Hilton

Mrs Magee

  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
  • Logo
  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan