Teaching and Learning Leads |
Interim Headteacher - Mrs Urciuoli Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Hilton EYFS Lead - Mrs Barsby / Miss Wilson Year 1 Lead - Mrs Westley / Mrs Gibbins Year 2 Lead - Mrs Welsh Year 3 Lead - Mrs Arnold Year 4 Lead - Mr Allsebrook Year 5 Lead - Ms Payne / Miss Harris Year 6 Lead - Mr Allsebrook |
SEND/Inclusion |
Inclusion Lead - Mrs Hilton EHA Lead - Mr Brierley Mrs Nespoli Miss Payne |
Speech, Language and Communication Hub of Excellence |
Lead - Mrs Tate Manager - Mrs Magee Miss Mae Miss Payne |
SEMH Team/Nurture |
Miss Mae Mrs Wotton |
Service Children | Miss Payne |
CiC PCiC |
Miss Payne Mrs C Hilton |
Pupil Premium Catch Up Planning |
Miss Payne |
Staff Governors |
Mrs Westley Mrs Isnovoiu |
Health and Safety |
Mrs L Arnold Mr Walker Mrs Westley |
English |
English Lead - Mrs Welsh Whole School Reading - Mrs Arnold Whole School Oracy - Mrs Arnold Phonics - Miss Wilson and Mrs Clarke |
Maths |
Mrs Marsden - Maternity Mr Allsebrook - Interim Lead Miss Harlow Miss Macgregor |
Science |
Mrs Gibbins Mrs Westley |
Curriculum |
Mr Allsebrook |
IT/Computing School Radio |
Miss Cope |
Miss Harris Miss Martin |
Geography |
Mrs Ward Mrs Thomas |
RE/Collective Worship / PSHE / P4C / Mental Health & Wellbeing / Sex Education |
Miss Parsonage |
PE & Sports |
Mrs Smith Mrs Mills |
Arts & Music |
Mr Kazimerow Miss Macgregor Mrs Arnold Mrs Radwell |
DT |
Dr Tether |
Modern Foreign Languages | Mrs Mills |
Assessment/Data |
Mrs Urciuoli |
Attendance | Mrs Dale |
Children's University | Mrs Isnovoiu |
Clubs / trips and visits / Extended School / Enrichment |
Miss Tangl |
Mrs Hilton Mrs Urciuoli |
First Aid | Mrs Arnold |
Forest Schools/Eco/Sustainability | Mrs Bennett Mrs Brewer |
Healthy Schools |
Mrs Smith Mrs Bennett Mrs Mills |
More Able | Mrs Welsh |
School Council |
Mrs Urciuoli Interfaith Council - Miss Parsonage |
SCITT/ECT | Mrs Steward |
Staff Wellbeing | Mrs Hilton |
Transition |
EYFS - Miss Wilson/Mrs Barsby Year 6 - Mr Allsebrook |
Trips, Visits and Visitors | Miss Tangl |
Nursery Training & Support (External) |
Mrs Hilton Miss Payne Mrs Tate |
School Website |
Mrs Hilton Mrs Urciuoli Miss Cope |
Outdoor Environment | Miss Hayward |
Continual Provision linked to SEND |
Miss Payne Mrs Hilton Mrs Magee |