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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our Early Years Curriculum is a carefully planned learning experience with the aim to lay a secure foundation for future learning. We aim to provide our children with knowledge, skills and experiences in a hands on, holistic way so that all learning is embedded in a meaningful context and through play. We do this through a personalised, flexible curriculum that allows children to be present in the moment and see and experience the wonders of nature and the world through their own eyes. We engage children in learning from the very start and expect our children to leave us as happy, confident and skilful communicators who are curious about the world around them. We want them to thrive and be prepared with the skills and passion to educate themselves throughout the rest of their lives.



It is our intention to provide a communication rich curriculum which develops language, specifically teaches vocabulary and fosters a love for reading whilst filling the children’s hearts and minds with a sense of incredible awe and wonder. Therefore, in our Early Years classrooms you will find high quality reading areas for the children to snuggle in and enjoy a good book, a wide range of high quality texts at engaging activities and children who love to read!


Our Curriculum and ethos is built upon a culture of curiosity through magical moments, a carefully planned enabling environment full of rich learning opportunities and clear connects with nature and the wonders of the great outdoors. So in our classrooms you can expect to find children highly engaged in open-ended learning activities, children using every day authentic resources and developing life skills and activities that promote nature.


We also believe that the outdoors is a great place for children to learn too. The natural world is a magical learning environment that enables children to be natural-born scientists and inquisitive learners. Their instinct to investigate, explore and make sense of their world is nurtured by a wide range of outdoor learning spaces, an unlimited supply of open-ended natural resources and adults who are seen as Co-Discoverers, encouraging children’s inquisitiveness.  Therefore, we provide a wide rage of  learning spaces such as the forest school area, an allotment and natural mazes for the children to extend their learning. Being outside not only supports the children development and understanding of the natural world but is also a great way to support their muscle development. Climbing, running, digging are all great ways in which children develop their skills which later on support the writing process. 


We aim to create a nurturing, safe and caring community which fosters a strong sense of belonging and self-worth. By listening to children, developing their communication skills and giving them the time and freedom they need, we aim to develop their own character, personal development whilst developing curious thinkers! We believe that if all children can become effective communicators and learners, this will prepare them for future success. 



  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
  • Logo
  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan